
New Website!

New Website!


Hey guys, Erik here to give you an update on what’s been going on in the shop. In February I moved to a new location with more square footage to better suit the business as it grows. I’ve been working building out the space with a bigger service area and even a lounge- more on that later. In addition to service I’ll now be diving into the retail side of suspension so you can now buy Rockshox, Fox, etc from Gearwork through the website or in person at the shop. In order to handle the online retail along with service, a new website was built. Now you can head to for all things suspension whether it is servicing your current gear or upgrading to the latest and greatest. The product count is still very low but I'll be updating that in the next few days so bear with me!


A lot of locals have asked about doing suspension service while you wait and in the past it wasn't possible. Now with the new shop I will be scheduling very limited slots to have it done same day while you hang out in the lounge. The lounge area is designed like a little coffee shop with all the necessities. Should you need to get work done,  WiFI is available as well as TV if you just want to kick back. If you'd like to have it done same day in the shop just place an order and email to confirm an available time slot. 

Well that's it for now, see you out there!


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